Raising a lil' Kain

We've created this website to document the times of the Kain Family and keep
everyone up to date on what is going on with our family. We look forward
to posting about what is going on in our life!
Ryan Joseph Kain was born
on May 24 at 5:56 PM.
everyone up to date on what is going on with our family. We look forward
to posting about what is going on in our life!
Ryan Joseph Kain was born
on May 24 at 5:56 PM.
November 26- Carmax!
Lorin got a new job!!! Today was her first day at Carmax as a recruiter for field management. She is looking forward to the new adventure and chance to meet and work with new people. It didn't hit her until she showed up at Carmax that she's no longer working at Bon Secours and needs to stop using the term 'we' when referring to Bon Secours!
The day that Lorin received the offer from Carmax Jeremy went and made an onesie to show Ryan and his support and excitement for her! She is very grateful to have such a great support system during the decision process and new beginning.
The day that Lorin received the offer from Carmax Jeremy went and made an onesie to show Ryan and his support and excitement for her! She is very grateful to have such a great support system during the decision process and new beginning.
November 24- 6 Months
We celebrated Ryan's 1/2 birthday no better way than a photo shoot! He hammed it up, he's enjoying the camera more and more!
This months firsts:
- Teeth- his bottom 2
- Real Food
- Fall out of his swing
- Church experience
- Richmond Marathon
This months firsts:
- Teeth- his bottom 2
- Real Food
- Fall out of his swing
- Church experience
- Richmond Marathon
November 24- Barta Thanksgiving
The Barta's celebrated Thanksgiving on the Saturday after with a delightful Surf and Turf meal at Sandbridge! Krista and Scott got a cake to help celebrate Lynell's Birthday and Ryan's 1/2 birthday. Ryan got LOTS of attention which he loved and did great staying happy all day! By the end he was exhausted! The Barta kids learned how to play one of our favorite games Apples to Apples where Hanna and Jeremy won. Ryan also got to meet his new friend Brady Duff!
November 22- Thanksgiving
Our Thanksgiving started with our family traditions, black Friday ads and the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade! We made an exception and allowed Ryan to watch the magic box for just a little bit! Ryan and Rascal shared a play date between glass, they both seemed interested but glad there was glass there to separate them!
After a relaxing day at home we headed to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mitch's house for the Kain Thanksgiving dinner. Ryan was able to meet a few cousins, aunts and uncles he hadn't met. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and headed home early since Ryan hit his 7pm witching hour. Happy Birthday Grandma Kain!
After a relaxing day at home we headed to Aunt Nancy and Uncle Mitch's house for the Kain Thanksgiving dinner. Ryan was able to meet a few cousins, aunts and uncles he hadn't met. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and headed home early since Ryan hit his 7pm witching hour. Happy Birthday Grandma Kain!
November 22- 1st "real" food
Ryan enjoyed his first "real" food today of rice cereal! We finally got the high chair out of the box and plopped him in. He was very expressive but we don't think he got much down! He seemed to like playing with the green bowl and spoon more than the food!
November 17- Sacrament of Baptism
November 15- Beware- I'm Teething
While Skyping with Grent Barta's Lorin stuck her finger in Ryan's mouth and felt his first tooth cut his gums! It's his bottom middle tooth on the left hand side. Only 4 days later and the second tooth is in as well!
November 12 - Tigger Time
Ryan had some fun playtime with the Tigger that her got from Grandparents Kain yesterday. He was in such a good mood when he got home from School today so we took a walk around the block to celebrate some 70 degree temps in November. Once home, while Lorin and Jeremy were eating, Ryan couldn't get enough Tigger jumping all around. Check out the link: http://youtu.be/DxTceQjr6So.
November 11- Fall Fun at Maymont

November 10
We bundled up for an early morning visit to South of the James Market with Regan and Kenzie to enjoy a donut and coffee before heading to Crossroads to watch the Richmond Marathon Runners. Is it wrong to carb up even if you aren't running? Ryan and Kenzie enjoyed some quality cousin bonding time while moms enjoyed a cup of joe! Rob Cloud was down from NYC for the marathon since the NYC marathon was canceled due to Hurricane Sandy. After spotting Rob in the crowd and cheering him on we hit the road for a few errands before Ella Radfords 1st Birthday Party. This was Ryan's first birthday party, he finally woke up to join the party, I think he was a littler excited, so overwhelmed he immediately cried as we walked in! After warming up and seeing all the candy and kids he settled right in and enjoyed people watching. We were all worn out so we headed home for a relaxing evening at home and skype session with grents Barta.